Here I’ll be documenting my very painless journey to self host a number of critical services. What could go wrong?
Critical services:
- a cloud system for all my media
- VPN (wireguard)
- email server. hehehehe
- 2 webservers for my projects
- personal notes/knowledge collection base
- password manager(yes, a very good idea you see. I definitely know enough about security to be doing this)
Maybe would host if I have time:
- git
- video conferencing(over big blue button)
This would also serve as a documented wiki for me, because almost every weekend this stuff goes down and I have to figure what happened. I’ll try and incude scrrenshots and commands whereever I can, but I will not give out my server’s public IP(I dont think I know enought about security to be doing this atm)
Update: the homelab is on hold since I’m at uni and IT refuses to soften the firewall and the bandwidth is terrible to do it over a VPN. (But the actual server room is unlocked for random undergrads to makeout in, go figure :) )