Re-intstalling next cloud, for whatever reason :)
To re-install you should:
Stop the web server
systemctl stop apache2
delete or rename the
file sitting in the<directory>/nextcloud/config directory
. I prefer renaming it, just incasecd /var/www/
sudo mv config.php config.php.bak
delete or rename your data directory, that is
In my case:cd cd /var/www/
sudo mv data data.bak
Login to maria db and either drop all the tables in your database to generate a list of SQL statements you need to drop all the tables. Cut and paste back into the SQL cli. Use something like:
sudo mysql
use nextcloud;
SELECT concat("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS ", table_name, ";") FROM information_schema.tables WHERE table_schema = "nextcloud";
or just drop the database entirely, and create a new one, give it the permissions
DROP DATABASE nextcloud;
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON nextcloud.* TO 'nextcloud'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY '<password>';
- Finally, go back to the
directory and create a new file CAN_INSTALL using something like this:
cd /var/www/nextcloud/config
chown www-data CAN_INSTALL
chgrp www-data CAN_INSTALL
chmod 644 CAN_INSTALL
- Restart the web server
Conclusion: bitch just use snapd honestly, you can either have a life or be a sys-admin